We are pleased to announce that we will be running training/boot camps for all newcomers to the World of camping and being in the great outdoors.

We aim to hold evening classes/training for those new to camping and being outdoors so you can get a feel for the spectacular freedom the outdoors gives you.

We will cover subjects such as;

  1. What kit do I need?
  2. What tent should I buy?
  3. How to put up a tent
  4. Cooking outdoors
  5. Making a camp
  6. How do I look after my body outdoors?
  7. Is going camping expensive?
  8. Can I survive outdoors?

This is a huge subject and the list is nowhere complete but it gives a little insight into what some people might be wondering before venturing into the outdoors.

WE ARE HERE TO HELP, lets chat about what we can do for you to get you outside.

Please contact us by phone; 01670 231929 or email; info@stanoutside.com

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